If your idea of a perfect fall afternoon vibe is more pumpkin patch stroll than haunted house tour, we feel you. While Columbia SC has its fair share of thrills and chills we get that sometimes the best fall days include activities that are more snuggly than scary.


Boo at the Zoo is a tradition in my family. We’ve gone ever since my niece Cali – who is five now – was born. Getting dressed up in a family theme is the most fun, but like all kids, Cali would argue that the candy is the best part. Each year, we look forward to seeing all of the children and families in costumes, going trick-or-treating, fun rides and the dance party, of course. 


Ranging from family-friendly to full on frightening, the Halloween programming in Columbia runs the gamut. Get in on more of the sweets and the scares at the following locations: 


  • In addition to Boo at the Zoo, keep your kids costumed and candy-crazed at Historic Columbia’s Trunk or Treat, Five Points Trick-or-Treat and Nightmare in Elmwood 5K & Kids Fun Run. 


  • Wear your costumes and experience the Cayce-West Columbia Library’s transformation into a fun and spooky space with plenty of candy and a special performance.


  • Enjoy a bewitching performance of Dracula: Ballet with a Bite or an enchanting afternoon spent at SC Philharmonic’s Halloween at Hogwarts concert. 


  • Fuel your fear at Lexington’s haunted attraction Deceased Farm or getting swept up in progressively scary tales at So the Story Goes at Virginia Hylton Park


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