Historic Attractions in Columbia SC
For more than 250 years, Columbia SC has pushed itself and its people forward. From the Revolutionary War through the Civil Rights era and beyond, our collective struggles and rich history have resulted in our unique culture.
Take a stroll through time and connect with the city's shared past with Historic Columbia. Learn about previous incarnations of Columbia with neighborhood tours of Arsenal Hill, Cottontown and Old Shandon, or visit the historic homes and gardens of the city's early families.
Centrally located at the intersection of Gervais and Main Streets, the capitol is the quintessential stage for history in the making. See damage caused by artillery shells by troops under Sherman's command, and do not miss the African-American Monument that chronicles African Americans in South Carolina from arrival to the modern age.
If you're pressed for time but would still like a healthy dose of local history, head to the South Carolina State Museum, itself on the National Register of Historic Places. The state-of-the-art facility houses four museums in one: art, history, natural history, science and technology.